Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What Did You Get?

Recently I was looking at pictures of a chair that my cousin had polished up of my grandparents.  I showed my little guy and was talking about some memories of them.  He asked me "what did you get mommy? you know, that was your grandmas?"
Honestly, I didn't get much physical items.  I have a set of salt and pepper shakers and a quilt.  Not "my" quilt, but a quilt treasure none the less.
I really don't care that I didn't get things.  Stuff.  Really.
I got a lot from my grandparents.  I was fortunate to live in the same town and see them 4 or 5 times a week.  I got to go to their house and just hang out. They were great baby sitters during choir practice, or Saturday night bowling.  I got to play at their house on days off from school.
I got to go the hospital too many times to count and give and receive kisses and hugs.  I got to sit by them at the dining table and talk about life, God, their lives...their hearts.  
I can still feel my grandma's soft gnarled hands as she would hold my hand while I sat with her watching Price Is Right or Family Feud.
I can feel the pat on the back from grandpa after mowing the lawn just the way he liked it.
I have a box full of cards that my grandma wrote me when I was her secret sister at church.  Prayers that she prayed for me.
I have birthday cards that she gave me when she came to the house every year for cake and ice cream.  I can still picture her testing the frosting on the side of pan.

What did I get?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this very much! When my grandma died I was told to walk through her house and "pick" what I wanted. I was mortified. the process was being done by all family members though, and out of fear that I would have nothing to remember her by I randomly chose two nick nacks and a mixing bowl. The bowl was special, the nick nacks not so much. It wasn't until well after the fact, when I realized I didn't really need anything...